Erasmus+ is the EU Programme in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for the period 2021-2027. Education, training, youth and sport are key areas that support citizens in their personal and professional development.
The European Solidarity Corps brings together young people to build a more inclusive society, supporting vulnerable people and responding to societal and humanitarian challenges. It offers an inspiring and empowering experience for young people who want to help, learn and develop and provides a single entry point for such solidarity activities throughout the Union and beyond. The program offers opportunity to volunteer in three areas:
-Volunteering Projects;
-Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas;
-Solidarity Projects
If you are young person between 13-30 years old you can participate in youth exchange.
If you are already over 30 years old you can be a group leader in a youth exchange or you can be part of mobility of youth workers.
If you are youth worker/youth leader or representative of organziation and at age 18+ you can take part in mobility of youth workers or more specifically training course, seminar, partnership building activity, jobshadowing etc. activity.
Participation in activities is free for everyone. Sometimes sending/receiving organization have small contribution fee which needs to be justified and participants need to be informed for it in advance.
-Travel costs from your city to project place and back in limits depending on the distance between sending organziation city and receiving organziation city.
-Accomodation and food for the duration of the project
-Materials and any other activities proposed by the receiving team.
Generally every person can take part in the activities of Erasmus + program. Depending on your profile or background you can be part of:
-Youth exchange ( if you are at age 13-30 years old)
-Youth exchange ( as group leader if you are over 18+ with no uper limit)
-Mobility of youth workers ( 18+ and you are youth worker/leader)
-European solidarity corps activities ( if you are 18-30 years old and you haven’t done international volunteering trough EVS or ESC till now).
You can go to Apply for project and check out our latest projects. There is an attached link to an application form to every posted project.
Fill the Contact form if you want to join us. We will contact you for more information.
Youth Exchanges are meetings of groups of young people from at least two different countries who gather for a short period to implement jointly a non-formal learning programme (a mix of workshops, exercises, debates, role-plays, simulations, outdoor activities, etc.) on a topic of their interest. In youth exchange you can participate in your country or in a foreign country for period between 5 -21 days. The age limit requirements are 13-30 years old for the participants and no age limit for the group leader.
This Action supports the professional development of youth workers and thereby the development of quality youth work at local, regional, national, European and international level, through non-formal and informal learning experiences in mobility activities. The Action contributes to the objectives of the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027, particularly to the European Youth Work Agenda2 for quality, innovation and recognition of youth work.
Erasmus+ supports youth-driven local, national and transnational participation projects run by informal groups of young people and/or youth organisations encouraging youth participation in Europe’s democratic life and following one or more of the following objectives:
- provide young people with opportunities to engage and learn to participate in civic society;
- raise young people’s awareness about European common values and fundamental rights and contribute to the European integration process;
- develop young people’s digital competences and media literacy;
- ring together young people and decision makers at local, regional, national and transnational level and/or contribute to the EU Youth Dialogue;
- Bulgarians living abroad can apply in projects that seek Bulgarian participants as long as they live within the EU; OR they can apply for the project from the country they are currently residing.
For example, if Bulgarian lives in Spain and wants to take part in YE/TC etc, can apply as a Spanish participant.
- Foreigners living in Bulgaria need to have proof of residence/ proof of address that states they currently live in Bulgaria.