Yordan, Bulgaria
I discovered the Erasmus+ platform and opportunities years ago though an youth exchange I did in Romania back then. I had no clue this would be the kick-start beginning of my enless Erasmus and volunteering experiences. What I took from all the exchanges, courses and seminars I attended, was the open-mindness inclusion and the European values that everyone shared. Every such experience is a testimony of the impact that a single youth worker can deliver on a local level in their community, or even farther. Meeting new people, sharing new points of view and visiting places far off your comfort zone is enriching your mindset in a way one never would think such non-formal education initiatives could make it possible.
As to the volunteering experience, I participated for the for the first time in an ESC project last year. I didn’t really know what to expect, but from day first I was thrilled and fascinated by the passion of people working in this field – contributing to the local community, conducting intercatvie activities, spreading awareness on topics of high importance and sharing compassion, understating, open communication, tolerance, acceptance, empathy and solidarity – as this is what the ESC values stand for. We were working on topics as bullying, mental health, sexual education, ecology, sustainability and many many activities with kids from all ages.