Being part of a youth exchange means to be part of something bigger than yourself and it makes you feel like you belong somewhere in the world. During a youth exchange you start feeling something that probably you never felt as it is an incredible experience: you are living with many new people (usually around 20 and 40) that you never met before and you spend all your day with them bonding, finding out what are their opinions and learning new information about different topics. Being catapulted in a world like this lights up a feeling of being special and heard as every other person involved in this kind of exchange will respect your opinion and your thoughts. There are many benefits coming for the participants: first of all, the sole fact of being able to express your opinion in a completely different context than the one you are used to, getting out of your comfort zone, is extremely beneficial as it teaches you so much about yourself and the world at the same time.
by Kalina
That was my first Erasmus+ experience and I could not have been more satisfied and happier-first of all because of all the learning-skills, knowledge, information and awareness I got during the exchange, but also because of the amazing people I was able to meet and I can all friends now. During the project I was able to explore the situations in different countries and across Europe, to find similarities and differences between them as well as the cultures. Moreover, I have never before though I personally can contribute to such huge social issues as youth radicalization but now I feel more competent and empowered to stand up for human rights and raise awareness among my peers about preventing radicalization and violent extremism.
by Stefan
I am coming from a small village thus this information was completely new to me and that was also my first exchange. I was amazed by the other cultures and countries, I was able to learn about topics such as media, fake news, the roots and effect of radicalization, about political propaganda, etc. I really loved the part with action-I felt I can really do something meaningful myself to contribute to some important social problems of Europe.
by Viktoria