
Dissemination activities by Italian team part of TC Climate Ambassadors 4 Youth Work

Participating in the Erasmus+ project has been an incredible journey for our Italian team. We recently had the opportunity to present our experience during a dissemination session, where we shared insights and reflections on our time in Bansko, Bulgaria. In this article, we will delve into our presentation and provide an overview of the Erasmus+ project, our training program, and our observations on public transportation in Italy. Additionally, we will touch upon the rich Bulgarian culture, delectable food, and fascinating traditions that we encountered during our stay in Bansko.

Exploring the Erasmus+ Project: During our presentation, we began by introducing the audience to the Erasmus+ project. We emphasized the significance of this program, highlighting its focus on fostering international collaboration, intercultural understanding, and personal development. We expressed our genuine enthusiasm for being part of this initiative and the numerous benefits it offers to participants.

Unveiling “Salto” and Organization Information: In our presentation, we dedicated some time to talk about “Salto,” a platform that plays a vital role in the Erasmus+ project. We shed light on its purpose, which serves as a valuable resource hub for youth and educational activities. Furthermore, we provided essential information about the organization responsible for the training program, underlining their expertise and dedication to empowering young individuals.

The Training Project: Sharing our experiences during the training project was an important aspect of our presentation. We detailed the activities and workshops we participated in, focusing on the topic of public transportation and its environmental impact. In particular, we highlighted the significance of raising awareness about this issue, as many people in Italy are still unaware of the environmental consequences associated with transportation choices. Through engaging discussions and interactive sessions, we strived to shed light on the importance of sustainable transportation solutions.

Bulgarian Culture, Food, and Traditions: As our presentation drew to a close, we gladly responded to inquiries from the audience regarding our experience in Bansko, Bulgaria. We took the opportunity to share our observations and appreciation for Bulgarian culture, their mouthwatering cuisine, and the richness of their traditions. We discussed the warmth and hospitality we encountered, as well as the unique charm of Bansko as a host city for the training program.