
UK team part of “Volunteering- a path to employability”

The UK team that took part in the project Volunteering-a path to employability was really diverse with different backgrounds and levels of experience. Each of us also had their own expectations, learning goals thus we all had particular learning outcomes but we do all share the amazing vibes, inspiration, passion, self awareness and determination this project gave us! Here are some of the testemonials!

I personally as a group leader and project coordinator am beyond proud and happy with the project achievements and so deeply happy with the UK team`s great involvement and personal goals achievements and learning. I can define the project as fulfilling, fruitful, engaging, changing-the groups left with so much inspiration, learning and goals in their minds which make us really proud and looking forward to their further development.

Daniel, Group leader

The project really gave me a better understanding of the topic.Presentation skill was a ey skill I personally have developed during the project as well as working with such a diverse group of people! I really improved my flexibility, empathy, cultural awareness and expression, as well as sense of initiative. I feel like the project just gave me the right push in the right time!


The project really did help me understand the topic fully by adding different aspects and points of view trough the sessions. After the project I feel more informed, open minded, aware of my own abilities and opportunities!


This world always fascinates me-with how many beautiful human being there are-I am so happy I shared this week with this amazing humans-so ambitious, so great, so inspiring. It really gives me Goosebumps when thinking about this week-I was in a bit dark period of my life and this came just like sunshine. I had experiences so much that enriched me and I absolutely feel like I grew so much! I learnt and improved myself as a person so much and I am truly thankful for the experience!

Mahima, 21